Saturday, January 28, 2017

End of holiday greens.

I've started back at work this week. This always bring mixed feelings as I love my job but I have had a wonderful summer with the family and I'm not ready to let go yet!

Saying goodbye to my sister was not easy. I have now lost track of the amount of times I have cried in Wellington Airport. I guess the airport is used to these dramatic displays of emotion. The looks of sympathy from travellers in the airport, as my kids and I burst in to tears again, suggests that plenty of people have experienced this.

I guess New Zealand is basically a country full of immigrants so most families have members who live abroad. It's not easy.

To distract us we have been out and about this weekend exploring locally. We climbed (what felt like a mountain) Colonial Knob in Porirua this weekend. The car said it was 30 degrees and it certainly felt like a route march up a mountain in the tropics. 

The route is beautiful but it is also basically vertical up over 1000 steps. People obviously use this route regularly as a work out as we were passed by many sports clad individuals who were either very fit, or clearly seeking to be fit.

The view at the top is stunning but the route is described as challenging. And I can confirm it is!

The route starts on the edge of an industrial estate and climbs through native forest to reach some stunning views across the Cook Strait to Kapiti Island.

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