Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Marine Drive and a Visit from Bluey

It was a very exciting night this week when J became "Star of the Day" at school and earned the right to bring Bluey home. Bluey is the class bear and you have to write a short story about his adventures at your house. As you can see from the photos below Bluey had a good time at our house.

He took part in a bit of Wii Fit!

He met lots of new friends.

This is the last weekend before Mum and Dad go back home so we decided to take them on one of the most spectacular drives in Wellington. We headed out towards Scorching Bay and Breakers Bay along the coast road.

Its amazing the way the huge Ferries negotiate such a narrow entry into Wellington Bay.

J watching the Ferry at Breakers Bay.

Looking for pebbles and watching the surfers.

Planes coming into land at Lyall Bay.

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