Having to say goodbye to people is a big downside of living here. As J's teacher helpfully pointed out you cant really get any further away from the UK than New Zealand. In this blog I am trying to point out all the aspects of moving this far, so I have to state that saying goodbye to my parents again was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. Its like someone cuts of an arm and expects you to carry on playing the piano like before.
I think I am probably being a bit overly dramatic here. The great thing about living on the other side of the world today is that I can actually talk to, and see, my Mum and Dad every morning (and evening if I want!) for free via Skype. So my girls talk to their Nan over WeetBix and toast in the morning and I have chat in the evening. It is so easy to keep in touch that I probably talk to most of my relatives more than when we lived in the UK.
So this week we have been keeping busy and reminding ourselves why we moved this far from home. We decided to go camping at Kaitoke. It was one of the first places we visited when we arrived almost exactly a year ago. We spotted people camping there then and immediately decided we would have to do that as well!
Putting up the tent was easy and A and J helped enormously as you can see!
J in her snazzy hat.